Core Convictions
A certain set of core convictions drive all that we do as a local church. Our desire is to be a church where the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is proclaimed and where the Scriptures direct all that we do.
We believe without reservation that God has spoken through the Scriptures. The Scriptures are the word of God. As such, they are inerrant (without error), infallible (incapable of leading astray), and sufficient for everything that we are called to do as individuals and as a body. The Scriptures speak with the authority of God, and therefore we must submit to that authority.
We believe that God has chosen to glorify himself in this age by building his church. This work involves reaching the lost with the good news of the gospel and transforming the saints into the image of Christ. The primary means that God has appointed for this work is the preaching and teaching of his word. Therefore we aim to accurately handle the word of truth, which is able to guide us into sound doctrine and practice. The proclamation of God’s word is central to our worship.
We believe that our mission as a church is best summarized in the Great Commission and the parallel passages of Scripture (Math 28:18–20; Mark 16:15–16; Luke 24:45–48; John 20:21; Acts 1:8). We are to make disciples of Jesus Christ, first by bringing them to salvation through faith in Christ, and then by teaching them to live for him according to his word. Christ is the head of the church. Therefore, we must follow his directions and instructions rather than coming up with our own ideas on how to build the church.
We believe that man, as a sinner, is unable to deliver himself from the corruption, wickedness, and enmity that characterizes him in his natural state. Only by God’s regenerating grace can a sinner be transformed so that he comes to Christ in genuine faith and repentance. This transformation results in new affections—love for God and hatred of sin. It also results in a new desire to be obedient to God and His word. Because the Holy Spirit indwells genuine believers, we believe their lives will be marked by an increasing conformity to the image of Christ.
We believe that for God to be glorified through the visible church she must be kept pure. Therefore, we will follow our Lord’s instructions on dealing with sin in our midst. We will follow our Lord’s instructions in all areas of life and ministry because do not exist to please men but to glorify God. We will preach the word of God, evangelize the lost, baptize by immersion, teach the disciples, equip the saints, and partake of the Lord’s Supper just as our Lord directed us.